It all begins with you…
At Sarah Wright Solutions, we believe your people are at the heart of your organisation. As such, they already have the solution to any problem you might be facing. It’s our role to help you to unlock that solution.
We do that by facilitating the conversations and interactions that need to happen in order to get your organisation to where it wants to go, be that on a one-to-one, group, or whole organisation basis.
We aren’t the experts in your organisation -- you are. We are experts in the processes that allow you to identify solutions that are owned by your people, embedded into the organisation, and entirely bespoke to you and your needs.
Our Philosophy
If you’re familiar with the traditional consultancy method of desk-based research and individual interviews, culminating in a lengthy written report, you’ll likely know that the report quickly ends up shelved, with only the recommendations read (and rarely fully implemented). The problem with traditional consultancy is that it relies on an ‘expert’ outsider telling you and your team what to do, giving you a brief recipe for how to do it, and then leaving you to get on with it. It’s the equivalent of being expected to complete a round-the-world yacht race after watching someone else sail a boat for five minutes.
We believe that you and your team already know intrinsically what needs to be done and how to do it, you simply need some help in reframing the problem in a way that allows you to unlock your own solutions.
Our method recognises that you and only you are ‘the expert’ in your own organisation. Because the solutions come from within, you and your team automatically have buy-in to the solution. And because you will have developed it yourself, you’ll know how it should be implemented going forward. Our job is to help you draw up a clear road map on how to get there.
Our problem-solving process enables you and your team to realise your own solutions, with actionable outcomes in a fraction of the time, and with team buy-in.
Ideal for solopreneurs and team leaders
Useful for growth and development
We conduct one-to-one sessions to explore and reflect on your business goals and how you can achieve them. We advise our clients to book several sessions over a number of weeks or months, so that we can help you work through to completion of a specific aim or target; however, one-off sessions are also possible.
Workshop design & facilitation
Ideal for teams and departments
Useful for uniting your team around a shared goal
Need your team to work more effectively together, instead of pulling in different directions? Or perhaps you have a short-to-medium-term goal that the team needs to accomplish? We can design one-off workshops or away-days that are custom-crafted for your team, encouraging full participation from all members so that they buy into the outcome and can implement their part of the full picture going forward.
We can also manage the running of the workshop or away-day for you, or you can opt to run the event in-house, depending on your preference.
Problem solving process
Ideal for whole organisations
Useful for powering your organisation into the next growth phase
This is the big kahuna: an organisation-level six-to-eight-week-long consultancy process in which we put the reins firmly in your hands as you overcome whatever it is that’s holding you back, enabling you to move into your next phase of growth.
First, we meet with key people in your organisation to ensure that the right questions are being asked to get you to the solution you need. Next, we design and facilitate a large one or two day workshop, during which your people will identify workable solutions to the problems you currently face. Finally, outputs are collated in a usable format that you and your team already understand, giving you your navigable road-map to move forward.
My story…
Hi, I’m Sarah Wright…
I have over a decade’s worth of experience in the charity sector up to director level, I’m an experienced facilitator, working with range of groups, and I’m an experienced business coach and mentor. As such, I’m well versed in how small-to-medium-sized organisations tick, and what it takes for them to successfully deliver value.
But that’s my CV, not my story.
Over the years, during countless sleepy Monday mornings, motivated mid-week meetings, and blue-sky Friday afternoons, the one aspect of organisation management that always most fascinated me was: working with people.
As a manager, I’ve always been deeply committed to helping my team develop and thrive as individuals and as a unit. That means understanding the personal needs, desires, and motivations in the workplace of each team member, and how they intersect with every other member.
By taking a deep dive into the literature and through my own practice, over the years I’ve learnt and utilised a variety of methods to guide people to a better understanding of the problems they face, but more importantly, to guide people to their own solutions. I truly believe that if people find their own solutions, rather than being handed an answer to their problem, they are far more empowered.
For me, it’s all about seeing that lightbulb moment – the moment someone sees their situation from a new perspective and: ah ha! – suddenly knows exactly what they need to do next. That moment is so motivating, as people realise that they have the autonomy to make things happen themselves.
So that’s what Sarah Wright Solutions is all about: creating those lightbulb moments, empowering people, giving people full ownership over what they’re doing. I can’t think of anything more rewarding than that.
Let’s talk…
If you’re interested in finding out more about the work we do, or would like to discuss how we might help you or your organisation; fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch!